Mock Dragons’ Den

Photo by fauxels on

6th of March 2020 was out Mock Dragons’ Den; this was a great opportunity my team and the other teams to have a practice run in front of the judges. This helped us to be prepared and improve our pitching skills and take out any mistakes we have done during the mock in order to be well prepared for the actual real Dragons’ Den.

We were just a week away from our real and final Dragons Den. Also, less than a week away from submitting our business report as a team, which was due on 12th of March. On the Mock Dragons’ Den not only did we receive feedback for our presentation but also for our business report. It was quite tough as the submission was just a day before the actual Dragons’ Den plus the submission date was my brother’s birthday. However, the business report was due at 4 pm on the day, so I did have time to celebrate my disabled brother’s birthday with him and family. As well as doing a great job as a team, there were times where we felt demotivated and I personally felt confused too. As they say hard work pays off and it did, we received an A for our business report which was a great achievement!

Unfortunately, our final product was not produced and we still had prototypes due to issues with the printing company as they were not able to print the cards in the time we wanted. It was near the end of this module and the key learning and teaching we have learnt as well as experienced in this time will be remembered. It was a real-life experience and practical module which I really enjoyed out of all the modules in my Masters, and it did not feel like a module at all apart from the submissions. I really enjoyed working with my team and each and every member of my class.

Before we had presented during the day, we had to prepare our table in which we presented our card game prototype, and then we practiced and practiced till it was time to present, this made me feel quite confident and happy with our preparation so was a my team happy and confident too like always. My team really helped me to become confident and be less nervous when presentation, one of my team members would joke and say just pretend that everyone who is watching us present are farts this made me laugh and forget we were presenting to get graded, it made me feel like we were just presenting in class however, that wasn’t always the case when it was my turn to speak.  After I starting speaking, I knew what needed to say and it would just flow even if I miss some words, I said in the practice run it did not matter as no one knew apart from me and my team, what I wanted to say exactly.

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